Friday Night

1:00am and I’m listening to country music

just trying to make sense of the road I’m walking on

because, man, there are no street signs, no directions,

no lights, no map

Is it okay to move forward when forward

is untouchable in the darkness?

I paint my past on my breath, my heartbeat

It’s as alive as if I’m living it once again

But today is a misty blur

and I feel blind and scared

I tell myself just keep walking, you’ll end of somewhere

But what I ask is this:

Is the future a hope that

the trees in the forest will be real

and the rains will wash away the mud

and an open door will appear welcoming me in?

Maybe I’m just a country song not yet written, not yet sung

Maybe I should just go to sleep

and wake up in a few hours

and begin the whole damn thing all over again

But maybe there are no answers

because if I had all the answers there would be nothing left

to ponder, experience, fret over . . .

And where’s the poetry in that?

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